German SpeechDat-Car
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Base de données SpeechDat-Car de l'allemand
The German SpeechDat-Car database comprises 338 German speakers recorded over the mobile telephone network. This database is partitioned into 17 DVDs and 1 CD. The speech databases made within the SpeechDat-Car project were validated by SPEX, the Netherlands, to assess their compliance with the SpeechDat-Car format and content specifications.
The speech data files are in two formats. The signal data format for the in-car mobile platform recordings is 16 kHz, 16 bit, uncompressed unsigned integers in Intel format (lo-hi byte order); the channels are multiplexed in a single file, with the channel sequence being 0-1-2-3. The format of the fixed platform audio files is 8 kHz, 8 bit alaw encoding. Each signal file is accompanied by an ASCII SAM label file which contains the relevant descriptive information.
Each speaker uttered the following items:
- 2 voice activation keywords
- 1 sequence of 10 isolated digits
- 7 connected digits : 1 sheet number (4+ digits), 1 spontaneous telephone number (9-11 digits), 3 read telephone numbers, 1 credit card number (16 digits), 1 PIN code (6 digits)
- 3 dates : 1 spontaneous date (e.g. birthday), 1 prompted date, 1 relative or general date expression
- 2 word spotting phrases using an application word (embedded)
- German data phrases
- 4 isolated digits
- 7 spelled words : 1 spontaneous (own forename or surname), 1 spelling of directory city name, 4 real word/name, 1 artificial name for coverage
- 1 money amount
- 1 natural number
- 7 directory assistance names : 1 spontaneous (own forename or surname), 1 city of birth / growing up (spontaneous), 2 most frequent cities, 2 most frequent company/agency, 1 "forename surname"
- 9 phonetically rich sentences
- 2 time phrases : 1 time of day (spontaneous), 1 time phrase (word style)
- 4 phonetically rich words
- 69 application words: 13 mobile phone application words, 22 IVR function keywords, 32 car products keywords, 2 additional common application words
- 2 additional language dependent keywords
- spontaneous sentences
The following age distribution has been obtained: 187 speakers are between 16 and 30, 72 speakers are between 31 and 45, 70 speakers are between 46 and 60, and 9 speakers are over 60.
A pronunciation lexicon with a phonemic transcription in SAMPA is also included.
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