Multilingual Dictionary of Sports – English-French bilingual database 
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Dictionnaire multilingue des sports - Base bilingue anglais-français
This dictionary was produced within the French national project EuRADic (European and Arabic Dictionaries and Corpora), as part of the Technolangue programme funded by the French Ministry of Industry.
A needs study in the field of sport terminology, which covered an overall category of users, led to a partial restructuring of an already existing database (English-French) and a re-evaluation of options. All choices were based on the results of this needs study, which clearly highlighted the impact of open corpora (Internet) and exploration tools for the production of dictionaries as well as for the carrying out of terminography activity.
The existing database (English-French) was subject to a systematic revision and updating with the following purposes:
• Spell checking
• Term production verification
The principles of terminology unit production were modified according to current technical progress. All nomenclature entries were subject to a systematic revision.
• Equivalence compliance verification
Equivalences were systematically checked and corrected (7,044 corrections or adjustments).
• Source verification
For reasons of scientific rigour (and right protection), sources and references that were exploited for each dictionary entry were systematically checked (40,000 verifications for a total of 11,256 modifications).
The results are presented in the form of MS ACCESS databases.
The current set consists of an English-French bilingual database:
The English-French bilingual database consists of 63,161 entries with, for each language
• Mandatory information: term, reference/source, grammar
• Mandatory and common information: field (sport), domain, additional circumscription
• Optional information: definition and source OR linguistic and source reference, combinatorics, other form, synonym, variant
The query enables to search for:
• French term
• English term
• sport (field, domain and special features ++)
The EuRADic sport dictionary is provided under the following different subsets:
ELRA-T0372-01 Multilingual Dictionary of Sports – English-French-Greek-Arabic-German-Spanish-Portuguese multilingual database
ELRA-T0372-02 Multilingual Dictionary of Sports - English-French bilingual database
ELRA-T0372-03 Multilingual Dictionary of Sports - English-French-Greek trilingual database
ELRA-T0372-04 Multilingual Dictionary of Sports - English-French-Arabic trilingual database
ELRA-T0372-05 Multilingual Dictionary of Sports - English-French-German trilingual database
ELRA-T0372-06 Multilingual Dictionary of Sports - English-French-Spanish trilingual database
ELRA-T0372-07 Multilingual Dictionary of Sports - English-French-Portuguese trilingual database
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