PAROLE Greek Lexicon
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Lexique grec PAROLE
The PAROLE Greek lexicon has two layers, morphological and syntactic. It includes the most frequent words found in a 9 million word corpus, coded according to the PAROLE specifications.
The Morphological layer contains a total of 20149 Morphological units, of which 12042 are nouns (common and proper), 3014 verbs, 3405 adjectives, 106 numerals, 45 pronouns, 2 articles, 1396 adverbs, 48 adpositions, 51 conjunctions, 21 interjections, 19 "unique" categories.
The Syntactic layer contains 25092 Syntactic units, of which 14548 are nouns, 5397 verbs, 3558 adjectives, 1410 adverbs, 73 adpositions and 106 numerals.
This lexicon was constructed based on the following resources:
a. the ILSP Morphological Lexicon
b. the ILSP Corpus
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