PAROLE Portuguese Corpus - complete version
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Corpus PAROLE du portugais - version complète
The parole Portuguese corpus contains approximately 3 million running words of European Portuguese distributed by Medium, as follows:
* Newspaper: about 65%, covering the period 1996-1997 of 3 titles;
* Book: about 20%, concerning 12 titles from 3 editing houses;
* Periodical: about 5%, concerning 7 weekly issues of 1 title, 1996;
* Miscellaneous: about 10%, concerning several files distributed by 8 titles.
The corpus was classified and encoded according to the common core parole encoding standard. The file format of this corpus is SGML.
A subcorpus of the PAROLE Portuguese Corpus, which reproduces approximately the whole Corpus distribution by Medium (Newspaper: about 65%, Book: ab. 20%, Periodical: ab. 5%, Miscellaneous: ab. 10%) is also available.
It has about 250,000 words morpho-syntactically tagged accordingly to the parole common tagset and morpho-syntactic annotation standards. Disambiguation was manually checked.
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