PAROLE Spanish Lexicon
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Lexique PAROLE de l'espagnol
The PAROLE Spanish lexicon follows standard PAROLE architecture which includes morphological and syntactic layers. It includes the most frequent words found in a 1 million word corpus, coded according to the PAROLE specifications.
The lexicon contains about 22,000 morphological units, of which 12,209 are common nouns, 3,367 verbs, 4,996 adjectives. Closed classed categories are fully covered.
The information associated with each morphological unit concerns part-of-speech and subtype, inflection paradigm (with morphosyntactic information for the endings organised in about 132 models), possible stems in relation with the relevant endings, linking with syntactic layer. In the syntactic layer, information regarding subcategorisation for verbs and insertion context for nouns is encoded following the PAROLE model.
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