Resource Creation Creation started: 01/01/2006
Metadata Created: 07/26/2012
Last Updated: 07/26/2012
Source: CESAR
Version Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/26/2012
Usage Foreseen Use Nlp Applications Use NLP Specific: Document Classification, Semantic Role Labelling
Human Use Documentation
Vetulani, Z., Walkowska, J., Obrębski, T., Konieczka, P., Rzepecki P., Marciniak, J. (2007): PolNet - Polish WordNet project algorithm, in: Z. Vetulani (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, October 5-7, 2007, Poznań, Poland, Wyd. Poznańskie, Poznań, pp. 172-176.
Pala, K., Horák, A., Rambousek, A., Vetulani, Z., Konieczka, P., Marciniak, J., Obrębski, T., Rrzepecki P., Walkowska, J., (2007): DEB Platform tools for effective development of WordNets in application to PolNet, in: Z. Vetulani (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, October 5-7, 2007, Poznań, Poland, Wyd. Poznańskie, Poznań, pp. 514-518.
Vetulani, Z., Walkowska, J., Obrębski, T., Marciniak, J., Konieczka, P., Rzepecki, P. (2009): An Algorithm for Building Lexical Semantic Network and Its Application to PolNet - Polish WordNet Project, in: Vetulani, Z. and Uszkoreit, H., Human Language Technology. Challenges of the Information Society. LTC 2007. Revised selected papers. LNAI 5603, Springer, 369-381.
Vetulani, Z., Obrębski, T. (2010): Resources for Extending the PolNet-Polish WordNet with a Verbal Component, in: Bhattacharyya, P, Fellbaum, Ch., Vossen, P. (eds.) Principles, Construction and Application of Multilingual Wordnets. Proceedings of the 5th Global Wordnet Conference,Narosa Publishing House: New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, pp. 325-330.
Vetulani, Z., Kubis, M., Obrębski, T. (2010): PolNet – Polish WordNet: Data and Tools, in: Calzolari, N. (ed.) Proceedings of the seventh International conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), May 19-21, Valletta, Malta, (Proceedings), ELRA, Paris.
Vetulani, Z., Marcinak, J., Obrębski, T., Vetulani, G., Dabrowski, A., Kubis, M., Osiński, J., Walkowska, J., Kubacki, P., Witalewski, K. (2010): Zasoby językowe i technologie przetwarzania tekstu. POLINT-112-SMS jako przykład aplikacji z zakresu bezpieczeństwa publicznego (in Polish) (Language resources and text processing technologies. POLINT-112-SMS as example of homeland security oriented application), ISBN 978-83-232-2155-5, ISSN 1896-379X, Adam Mickiewicz University Press: Poznań.
Vetulani, Z. (2012): Wordnet Based Lexicon Grammar for Polish, in: Nicoletta Calzolari, Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Mehmet Uğur Doğan, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis (eds.), Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), May 23-25, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, ELRA, Paris, isbn: 978-2-9517408-7-7 (accessible through http://www.lrec-conf... )
Vetulani, Z. (2012): Language Resources in a Public Security Application with Text Understanding Competence. A Case Study: POLINT-112-SMS, in: Vetulani, Z., Geoffrois, E. (eds.), Proceedings of LREC 2012 Workshop on Language Resources for Public Security Applications, May 27, 2012, Istanbul, ELRA, Paris, pp. 54-63. (http://www.lrec-conf... ).