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Lemmien WWW-käyttöliittymä
The tool is available in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland on the Taito server at CSC - Center for Scientific Computing (taito-shell.csc.fi).
WWW-Lemmie 2.0 is a web-based tool for querying the text corpora in the Language Bank of Finland. Lemmie allows the user to obtain concordances, word frequencies and collocation tables as well as various kinds of statistical information from the corpora. The original full texts are also accessible via the search results. Lemmie provides access to a number of newspaper and journal volumes and books (fiction and prose) mostly in Finnish but also in Finland-Swedish.
Lemmie is available for academic use. Personal access rights must be applied through the Language Bank Rights interface at CSC.
WWW-Lemmie 2.0 is built on the Lemmie API 2.0, an object-oriented programmer's interface (written in Perl) to the lexical database of the Language Bank of Finland.
There is also a command line version of Lemmie, lemmieshell, which is available for use in the software server of the Language Bank of Finland.
Interface: https://sui.csc.fi/group/sui/lemmie
Instructions for researchers who do not have a HAKA or a CSC account on accessing language resources of the Language Bank of Finland: https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/FinCLARIN/KielipankkiAccessRights
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